✅ TEACHING ONLINE TOOLS: (‼save it before you lose it!)
👉🏻 wordwall.net is a super simple tool to create your own interactive activities
👉🏻 learningapps.org - another cool website where you can create different fun tasks for your classes
👉🏻 Miro.com is a "magical" online board with multiple functions
👉🏻 Quizizz.com is a tool for creating quizzes for your students
👉🏻 Quizlet.com helps with drilling new vocabulary and can be great for assigning homework
👉🏻 Docs.google.com/forms - for collecting feedback from your students or their parents
👉🏻 Hangouts.google.com/webchat/start - another platform for having online classes
👉🏻 Classroom.google.com - one more tool from Google that is aimed at making assignments paperless
👉🏻 Loom.com - you can capture your screen, voice, and face and instantly share your video in less time than it would take to type an email
👉🏻 Seesaw.me - is apparently a platform that helps connect students, teachers and families so that everybody is aware of what is going on both in class and at how
👉🏻 Showme.com - a tool for making whiteboard-style videos on iPads
👉🏻 Edpuzzle.com - helps to create comprehension questions to different videos for your students
👉🏻 Kahoot.com - allows you to create educational games and trivia quizzes on the topics you teach
👉🏻 Liveworksheets.com - transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self- correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.
👉🏻 Gonoodle.com - makes sure your students don't just sit in front of the screens, but get to move around
👉🏻 Explaineverything.com - this is personally my fav finding, an interactive board with a gazillion different user-friendly functions
👉🏻 Tinytap.it - a huge collection of online educational games
👉🏻 Canva.com - makes it super simple to create your own stylish posters, blog content, presentations, flashcards and what not
👉🏻 Storylineonline.net - this is a gem as well! Kids books animated and read out by famous actors
👉🏻 Toolsforeducators.com - you can make your worksheets, crosswords, dice, boardgames and so on
👉🏻 Zipgrade.com - turns your phone or tablet into an optical grading machine, saves you time on grading tons of tests
👉🏻 Classdojo.com - a classroom journal with multiple functions such as random callout and a chance to earn points by students
👉🏻 Prezi.com - a huge collection of different PPTS on various topics
👉🏻 quickdraw.withgoogle.com - a great online guessing game which could be played as a reward at the end of a class
Anything you could add?